Ambitious efforts to eliminate “elimination”

A decade ago, in 2010 the CBD decided to “eliminate, phase our or reform incentives that are harmful to biodiversity.”

Now It’s 2021 – Aichi Target 3 has not been achieved – but instead of stepping up the efforts, the goal of “eliminating” is getting eliminated itself.

A short time line:

2010: COP 10 in Nagoya decided on Aichi Target 3

“By 2020, at the latest, incentives, including subsidies, harmful to biodiversity are eliminated, phased out or reformed in order to minimize or avoid negative impacts, and positive incentives for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity are developed and applied, consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other relevant international obligations, taking into account national socio economic conditions. ”

     and in Decision X/44, paras 3 and 9 the COP urged Parties to 

“… increase their efforts in actively identifying, eliminating, phasing out, or reforming, […]  existing harmful incentives...”

2014: COP 12 in Pyeongchang set  in Decision XII/3 reiterates the importance of Aichi Target 3 and its 

“… considerable potential to reduce negative pressures on biodiversity as well as to potentially mobilize resources for biodiversity.” 

     referring repeatedly to 

 “… elimination, phase-out or reform of harmful incentives… ”

     XII/3 Annex 1, paras 1-4 detail possible actions to  “eliminate, phase our or reform” while para 5  sets a milestone for 2015-2018 including: 

“2018: Finalization of policy plans that (i) identify those harmful incentives that are candidates for elimination, phase-out, or reform; (ii) provide for a prioritized list of measures leading to their eventual elimination, phase-out, or reform; [...]”

2016: COP 13 in Cancun, Decision XIII/20 para 23 on Resource Mobilisation in reference to Aichi Target 3  specifies the 

“… elimination, phase-out or reform...”

2018: COP 14 in Sharm El-Sheikh Decision XIV/22, paras 9 on Resource Moblisation also still refers to  Aichi Target 3

“… elimination, phase-out, or reform of incentives, including subsidies that are harmful for biodiversity ... “

2021: The preparation for COP15 discusses words like “redirecting”  and eliminates “elimination”.

by Antje Lorch (Ecoropa)


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